Columbia Interview Assesment

1. Please make comments if necessary.

2. Interpersonal, presentation & communication skills. Please provide 5 adjectives or bullet points to describe the candidate’s interpersonal and communication skills. Please comment specifically on the candidates’ poise or polish.

3. IF the applicant is a non-native English speaker, please comment on her spoken English and comprehension.

4. Leadership/teamwork skills. Ask the candidate about leadership style, examples of taking initiative, effectives in a team, etc.

5. Ethics.

6. Goals. What are the candidate’s post/MBA goals? Are they realistic? Why or why not? In what location would the candidate like to work?

7. Knowledge of Columbia. How did the candidate select the schools? What’s her expectations for business school and how Columbia help to achieve them? Please rank the applicant based on her knowledge of Columbia business school.

8. What if anything, makes this candidate truly unique?

9. Overall recommendation?