about USC...
USC IBear vs. USC Marshall
I think if your primary objective is to find a job in the US, the two-year program is a better program for that purpose. However, I do realize that Marshall is a much more difficult program to get into.
Because the IBEAR program is almost entirely international and is small (~60 the last time I checked), I don't think the profile fits US recruiters.
I do believe IBEAR program is good if you are sure you want to have a career in Asia, especially if you have a family business to return to or are interested in leveraging USC's network in Asia, which is impressive. I don't know if you have had a chance to attend USC events in Taiwan, but the few gatherings I have attended, I was impressed by the strength (by this I mean the prominence) of their alumni and how organized they are. I believe USC is one of the few schools that has a full-time alumni office in Taipei.
An alternative to the IBEAR program if your #1 objective is to find a job in the US is to apply to the full-time MBA program at UC Irvine and UC San Diego. I believe they are at about the same level of difficulty in terms of admission. Low to mid 600 GMAT would give you a good shot at admission for these programs.
For those with lower GMATs, high 500's to low 600's, Claremont and Pepperdine are also options in the Southern California area.
Q. US NEWS上 Marshall的就業率挺低的,只有81%, 可否能解釋一下,是不是因為加州華人太多,同質性太高競爭反而激烈了? — Apr 20, 2009 8:18:35 AM