Purdue University (Krannert)


MBA International Deadlines


Deadline: November 1

Notification: After December 15


Deadline: February 1

Notification: After March 20

MBA Domestic Deadlines


Deadline: November 1

Notification: After December 15


Deadline: January 10

Notification: After February 20


Deadline: March 1

Notification: After April 1


Deadline: May 1

Notification: After May 15


These essays are for applicants to the full-time MBA, MSIA, MSHRM, and MS FIN programs only.

1. Discuss your long and short term career goals, how these goals developed, and what you hope to gain from graduate

study at Krannert. Limit your responses to no more than 500 words.

2. Describe a situation in which you had to work with a diverse group of people (those with backgrounds or opinions

different from your own) to accomplish something. What conflicts arose and how did you resolve these conflicts?

What did you learn about yourself and accomplishing work as a group that you can bring to Krannert? Limit your

response to no more than 500 words.

3. Describe a major obstacle you have faced in your professional, academic, or personal life. How did you overcome this

obstacle? How did this experience foster your personal and professional development? Limit your response to no more

than 500 words.

4. Additional Information (Optional)

Please provide any additional information that was not captured within your application. If you feel you've already

provided us with sufficient information about yourself, you need not add anything here. (250 words or less)


Two letters of recommendation



Krannert School of Management

Rawls Hall, Suite 2020

100 S. Grant Street

West Lafayette , Indiana 47907-2056

Telephone: (765) 494-0773

Web site: http://www.krannert.purdue.edu/programs/masters/Degree_Programs/Full_Time/MBA/home.asp

Electronic application: