

Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business MBA program, China

The Chinese University of Hong Kong MBA program-CUMBA, Hong Kong

Cornell Nanyang Institute Master of Management in Hospitality (MMH) Program, Singapore

National University of Singapore MBA program, Singapore

National University of Singapore ISS program, Singapore

Nanyang Technological University MBA program, Singapore

Nanyang Technological University Chinese EMBA program, Singapore

New York University Tisch Asia, Singapore

Singapore Management University Master of Science in Wealth Management (MWM) program, Singapore

The University of Hong Kong MBA program, Hong Kong

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology MBA program- HKUST, Hong Kong


Cambridge MBA program, England

Copenhagen Business School MBA program, Denmark

European School of Management & Technology - ESMT MBA program, German

IE Business School MBA program, Spain

INSEAD MBA program, France

MIP Politecnico di Milano MBA program, Italy

MIP Politecnico di Milano MBA