University of Strathclyde


Question 1.

Discuss an event or process from your work experience which has contributed to your personal/professional development, under the following headings:

Briefly describe the event or process.

How were you involved and how did you respond?

What were the outcomes?

What did you learn that you could realistically apply in the future?

(Please limit your answer to 500 words)

Question 2.

What are your aims for your future career development?

How will the Strathclyde MBA assist you in achieving your aims?

(Please limit your answer to 500 words)

Question 3.

Describe how your work experience could be used as a source of information for your learning and for contribution to group discussions.

(Please limit your answer to 500 words)


1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?

2. Please give an assessment of the applicant’s intellectual ability. Do you feel they are motivated towards and suitable for

MBA study?

3. In what areas do you suggest the applicant needs to grow?

4. Many qualities contribute to effectiveness in management. Please comment on the applicant’s reasoning, communication and

interpersonal skills and his/her integrity.

5. Do you have any additional comments you would like to make?


The University of Strathclyde Graduate School of Business

199 Cathedral Street


G4 0QU

Telephone: +44 141 553 6118/9

Fax: +44 141 553 6162

