William and Mary
We require responses to three essay questions and offer you the opportunity to submit an optional personal statement. Please follow the guidelines on the application regarding the length of each essay.
At the top of each page, please put your full name and a complete statement of the question being answered. Use at least 11-point font and 1.5 spacing.
1. Why is this moment the right time in your professional and personal journey to pursue an MBA; and how will you
utilize the opportunities at William & Mary to design an MBA experience that is right for you? (800 words)
2. Pick one essay from the following two:
Please share your greatest personal or professional achievement and your greatest personal or professional disappointment. How have these two experiences shaped the person and/or professional you are today? (800 words)
Describe a situation in which you felt pressure to compromise your ethics or values. How did you handle the situation and what was the outcome? (800 words)
3. The Mason Community is made up of talented and unique individuals who have come together to learn. What personal
strengths will you contribute to your classmates' learning experience? What would you like to learn from your
classmates? (250 words)
Two letters of recommendation
Ms. Lois Fraley
Mason School of Business