Waseda Business School
For April and September 2011 Admissions
2-year program :
Applicants must fulfill ONE of the following requirements. Work experience of three years is recommended. (This is not a requirement for application since such experience will be evaluated on an individual basis.)
1.Hold a bachelor's degree
2.Have been awarded a bachelor's degree by a recognized degree granting institution
3.Have completed 16 years of school education in a foreign country
4.Have completed at least 3 years of university-level education in a country where at least 15 years of school
education is required by law
5.Other than the above, a person (at least 22 years old) who is considered by the WBS Admissions Office as
having the equivalent or better academic ability than a bachelor's degree holder
6.Have been specified by Minister of MEXT (Please contact the Admissions office for details.)
1. Please describe in detail the research plan which you wish to pursue at the WBS, including the theme, approach, and
methods, etc. which you intend to use. (400 words)
2. Please explain the reasons why you have chosen to apply for the WBS MBA/MOT Program at this particular time in your
life. (200 words)
3. Please describe your career goals in detail. How do you plan to achieve them? What significance will your experience
at the WBS have in helping to achieve your career goals? (200 words)
4.Please describe any special awards which you have received for academic, professional, or community achievements
which have not been described elsewhere in this application. Or, please describe some personal achievement which you
would like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Office, and state the reasons why the achievement you have
described is of particular significance to you. (200 words)
Please choose one of the following topics and write a short essay summarizing your opinion in 2,000 characters or less if
in Japanese, or 800 words or less if in English. Use separate sheets of A4 sized paper and staple them together with this
page as a cover. Your answer should be typed and double-spaced, indicate the selected essay number, your name and
the program you are applying for on each page. Your essays should be written entirely by yourself. An offer of admission
will be withdrawn if it is discovered that you received any assistance. Please complete the essays in the language of the
program you choose in the application forms.
1. Image of your ideal CEO in your future career.
2. The major factors that enhance workers’ motivation in your home country.
3. The impact of ‘globalization’ on companies in your home country.
4. A situation or an experience that demonstrated your leadership ability or potential.
5. A situation where you failed and how you dealt with it professionally and personally.
Recommendation Questions
1. Please describe the applicant’s special personal qualities and/or abilities.
Submit Your Application
By Mail
Applications should be sent by registered express mail, and must be received by the final day of the application period.
WBS Admissions Office
Nishi-Waseda Bldg. 7F, 1-21-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, TOKYO
169-0051 JAPAN