Columbia MS in Management Science and Engineering (MS&E)


The Master of Science program in Management Science and Engineering (MS&E), offered by the IEOR Department in conjunction with Columbia Business School, is the first such program between Columbia University's Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science and Columbia Business School. It reflects the next lgical step in the longstanding close collaboration between the IEOR Department at the Engineering School and the Decision, Risk, and Operations (DRO) Division at the Business School.

This program was formed and structured following many interactions with corporations, alumni and students. It emphasizes both management and engineering perspectives in solving problems, making decisions, and managing risks in complex systems. Students pursuing this degree program are provided with a rigorous exposure to optimization and stochastic modeling, and a deep coverage of applications in the areas of operations engineering and management.

The ideal candidate for the MS&E program possesses:

  • a strong quantitative background, including coursework in calculus, linear algebra and probability theory.

  • excellent written and oral communication skills and interpersonal skills (e.g. leadership)

  • good internship and full-time experiences.


Priority: January 15

Regular: February 15

* Fall admissions only.


The personal statement, limited to 2 pages, should provide a brief description of:

1. Your academic and professional accomplishments.

2. Your overall career goals and specific goals in pursuing the M.S. Program.

3. Any other information that you feel can help us evaluate your potential to succeed in the program.


Please outline clearly and briefly the following (where appropriate):

1. Academic programs attended, including GPA and academic honors.

2. Employment held, including title of jobs, start/end dates, and specific accomplishments.

3. Research activities and publications.

4. Volunteer or community service and other extracurricular activities, honorary societies, and awards for service or leadership you have received.


1. Applicant Rankings

- Please specify your comparison group (e.g., "all graduate students that I have ever seen in my department") (word limit not specified)

2. Please write an evaluation of the applicant, taking the following question into consideration. (word limit not specified)

- How long have you known the applicant?

- In what capacity do yo know the applicant?

- Is the applicant qualified for graduate work in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research?

* 3 letters of recommendation are required.

* You may upload a pdf or plain text formatted file with your review of the applicant.

